Tree of Opals European wrap scrap charms review


Manufacturer – Tree of Opals

Design – Wrap Scrap European Charm

Retail price of tested design and size – £30 per charm, bracelet £5

Provided to me by – Tree of Opals

Website – Tree of Opals


Tree of Opals contacted me recently about their new Wrap Scrap European charms, and asked if I was interested in hosting a giveaway for them. I love supporting work at home Mums and all things wraps and wrap scraps so of course said yes! So that I could give a full and accurate review I have gone through their website and full order process.


Firstly, when I started looking at the website I was really very impressed with the variety of options available. She makes a variety of keepsake jewellery such as European charms (like Pandora charms), rings, necklaces and earrings. And you can have a massive variety of things preserved for posterity, including wrap scraps, wedding dresses (part, not all!), cremation remains, breast milk, placenta, hair, pet fur, umbilical cord, menstrual blood and teeth! And why not ask if you have something else you’d like preserved? There are also some crochet babaywearing necklaces available from the lovely Coastal Path Creations (I have one of her necklaces and it’s lovely and very well made).


So having looked through the website and finding several items to add to my Christmas list, I then progressed with my wrap scrap charm order. The website was easy to navigate and there is a very comprehensive document detailing how to send the various items, which is linked to at many different points, so that you can’t miss it. I also decided to have some of Reu’s hair added to the charms so he got his first (very small) trim, we packed our scraps and hair and sent it off. I should at this point say that Tree of Opals have a wide variety of wrap scraps available or you can send your own if it’s something they don’t have in stock but you do. They are also building a library of wrap scraps to further meet people’s desires, so if you are a wrap scrapper and end up with those tiny bits that aren’t much use for anything other than jewellery making, consider sending them to Tree of Opals (I sent her a variety as a thank you). Communication throughout was great, and from start to finish was very quick for such a bespoke service.


When the charms and bracelet arrived I was very impressed with them. They arrived in their own little wrap scrap bag, and with lovely packing material, so much nicer than just a ziplock bag! And I wasn’t disappointed with the quality either. I can clearly see my wrap scraps and despite the pieces used being so small I can clearly identify them thanks to the skillful positioning (Firespiral Driftwood cyano seafoam and Shire Slings Love Geek if you’re wondering), and having Reu’s hair in two of them makes them really special keepsakes, and so personal to us (the wrap choices were for sentimental reasons too). They are rather difficult to photograph well, but Tree of Opals have taken some more professional photographs of the ones available for giveaway (see Sling Sally for details), so I’ve included these here as they show the detailing much clearer than any I managed to take! I would definitely recommend these to anyone who wants a beautiful way to preserve their memories of carrying their children, or other aspects of their lives.

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One thought on “Tree of Opals European wrap scrap charms review

  1. Thank you Sally, it was a real pleasure to make these charms for you. I’ve been pre-making a few beads with the scraps you so kindly sent and they are coming along so well. I’m so grateful for this wonderful review and can’t wait to find out who wins the competition! x

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